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Imagem de Susan Wilkinson. Arte vertical, em fundo cinza. Na parte superior, rajadas de tintas de cores diversas se misturam e se espalham, produzindo formas irregulares, que lembram folhas, com talos longos, finos, voltados para a parte inferior.


Disability (Defiça) Portraits is a virtual gallery exhibition of the Portraits of Brazil with Disabilities project. This project has largely come to fruition through the work of NGO artivist Ateliê Ambrosina from Maceió-Alagoas, and has been headed by the Western University in London Canada. This exhibition seeks to refresh traditional frameworks of portraiture, allowing us to reimagine people with disabilities in new ways and break traditional visual artistic lines of thinking. It explores the act of gazing  (common to the process of portraiture creation and the viewing public of visual arts) as an opportunity for inventive mediation, between people with and without disabilities. Through photography, paintings, drawings, digital art, and other techniques created by 11 participants, the exhibition tells 22 authentic stories, free from limiting and prejudicial narratives about people with disabilities. This exhibition thus contributes to demonstrating how a collection of visual pieces can contribute towards promoting progressive inclusionary politics. This exhibition is part of broader academic, feminist, and political activist efforts against ableism, and attempts to encourage and broaden anthropological engagement within the field of disability art in Brazil​.

Régua de logomarcas. A primeira é do projeto Retratos Defiças, a segunda é da Universidade Western do Canadá e a terceira, da ONG Ateliê Ambrosina.
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