Registration: September 21 – September 30, 2021
To be held: until September 30th 2021
Fees: US$ 148.00/person + US$ 97.00/portrait (values may fluctuate due to exchange rate effects)
Proponents must present themselves in co-creation pairs composed of at least 1 (one) person with a disability.
One of the objectives of this project is to encourage the co-creation and public dissemination of portraits linked to disability, as well as to articulate the theoretical reflection of research with and through images in social anthropology and in the field of Disability Studies. Portraits of Brazil with Disabilities seeks to foster the freshness of reinvention over traditional portrayal techniques, allowing us to recognize people with disabilities in new and progressive ways, and exploring the act of staring, common to the portrait process, as an opportunity for inventive mediation between people with and without disabilities. Through photography, painting, drawing, digital art, among other techniques and supports, chosen by the participants, the project aims to explore the same intertextual conventions of the classic portrait, such as pose, scene, costume to subvert the logic of looking at the defiça body, and tell a new, made positive story of disability, showing how a conservative representational gender can act in the service of a progressive policy of inclusion.
For this line of action, 30 co-creators will be invited among visual artists, image and disability researchers, interlocutors and other creative agents who manufacture portraits - defiças and non-defiças.