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Imagem horizontal colorida abstrata. A partir das bordas lateral esquerda e inferior, inúmeras linhas muito finas em tons de bege em direção ao centro da imagem, onde se tornam mais terrosos. A partir das bordas superior e lateral direita da imagem, inúmeras linhas muito finas em tons de azul claro e médio em direção ao centro da imagem. Os tons terroso e bege se entrelaçam aos tons de azul nas partes superior e inferior da lateral direita da imagem.



Until: September 30th, 2021

Proponent: Duo-Cocreation

Free registration, not competitive.



Proposals will be accepted until 30 vacancies are filled, which include equitable criteria of gender, territory, different disabilities, race, sexuality, age group, among others.

The project invites 60 co-creators, including visual artists, podcasters, thinkers and researchers of disability, partner interlocutors and other creative agents - defiças and non-defiças - from any city in Brazil, that have in their work practices, the experimentation and the will to do with.


Proponents must present themselves in co-creation pairs composed of at least 1 (one) person with a disability. In all, 30 co-creative duos will be invited to work on the project.

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