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No centro, três mulheres nuas, vistas de costas, sobre terreno gramado. A do meio é negra, com cabelo black, curto, preto e tem as pernas amputadas a partir dos joelhos. Ela se apoia pelos braços nos ombros das outras duas mulheres. A da esquerda é uma mulher negra, de pele clara, com um grande black preto, amputada do joelho direito para baixo. A da direita, é uma mulher parda, de pele escura, com cabelo preto, liso, na altura da nuca, amputada do joelho esquerdo para baixo. Seus corpos estão dentro de um anel cor de laranja, semitransparente, na diagonal, que as envolve da perna da mulher à esquerda para o quadril da mulher à direita. À frente delas, três círculos. Um grande círculo com borda cor de rosa choque, preenchido com textura granulada de rosa e branco. Sobre ele, à direita, um pequeno círculo vazado, com borda cor de vinho e três linhas finas, douradas, na diagonal, do lado superior direito e, entre eles, um círculo azul.
To contain and not to contain

The work in question proposes a reflection about non-discrimination against people with disabilities and, to do so, we use as a starting point a mathematical theory; Set Theory. In this sense, we ask society to consider the question of whether to contain or not to contain. To be part and not to be part of society, based on the logic of the ableism practiced by many people.


The work intends to foster the understanding that each and every human being has some kind of disability. Everyone, from the most visible disabilities, the physical, intellectual, and even old age. The latest being the "disabilitying" of the body's cells due to the time and conditions in which a person lives. In this sense, we hope that prejudice and discrimination (like anything else) can cease, from the understanding contained in proximity, of being a part of.  Once we see in ourselves a condition that brings us closer, the tendency is for prejudice to end.


In the image, the lines of theory are smoky, providing this idea of time and transience, of the non-rigid, and therefore, human.

Co-creation: Dayse Hansa and Key Amorim

Technique: Digital Illustration

Year: 2021

Brasília - Federal District - Brazil

Key Amorim I develop my work through graffiti, public art and urban occupation. I try to bring to people's day-to-day life the context of my experience. Graffiti came into my life when I was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune syndrome that caused me to lose control of my movements - Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS). It was when society closed its doors to me that graffiti opened them. And that's why I use it as a tool to reach people.

Dayse Hansa I am a visual/fine arts artist and poet. I try to investigate the world around me, but my traces represent what I feel in my chest and head and my critical observation of the world. Light skinned black woman, producer, visual artist and lesbian.

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